Thursday, March 24, 2016

Government by Noah

In social studies we are learning about the three branches of government. This is our new bulletin board.  The three branches of government are executive,judicial, and legislative.  We also are learning all our presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Door decoration for Read Across America

The class voted to decorate our door with the book Shiloh.

Fourth Grade IIM Fair

Each student did research on a person, place or thing that was connected to the history of New Hampshire.  Some people were Robert Frost, Christa McAuliffe, Bode Miller, General John Stark.  Some students studied the Native American people named the Abenaki.  Some studied Mt. Washington or Lake Winnipesaukee.  Here are some of the AMAZING projects!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Erosion and stream tables

Today 4R worked in small groups to learn about the effects of erosion.  Using stream tables, the students tested their ideas for how to minimize the movement of a shed on a playground.  

Book buddies by Abhi

Today our class went to Mrs. Proctors class to do book buddies. The first graders were a lot of fun . What we had to do is we picked out someone's book and then we would call out their name and then  that person would stand up and come to you so then that would be your book buddy. At the end of every book in the comment section you would write a comment. Once you were done with your first book buddy you would find a new one.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Melting crayon Rock Cycle by Elle Ash

Austin's magma.
The Rock Cycle  by Elle Ash😃😀😄😊
Today we did the melting crayon rock cycle! We started with a crayon which represents an igneous rock.  What we did is we shaved crayons and squished them together which made a sedimentary rock. Then you would go to Mrs. Reagan and you would put it in hot water. It would then melt (turning the crayon into a metamorphic rock) and we had to explain what happened then we would do that process over. It's awesome. Below is Ariana. K., Scott, Abhi, Hannah, Ryan S., and Sammy!!!!!